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Diese Bibliographie stellt die uns bekannten und bedeutenden Publikationen zum Thema Fußgänger und Evakuierungen dar. Sollten Sie Anregungen zur Erweiterung haben, teilen Sie sie uns bitte mit. Es ist unser Ziel, sie so aktuell wie möglich zu halten.

K. Abe.
The Science of Human Panic.
Brain Publ. Co., Tokyo, 1986.
(in Japanese).

John Abrahams.
Fire escape in difficult circumstances.
In Stollard and Johnson (1994).

S.A.H. AlGadhi, H.S. Mahmassani, and R. Herman.
A speed-concentration relation for bi-directional crowd movements with strong interaction.
In Schreckenberg and Sharma (2002), pages 3-20.

M.P. Allen and D.J. Tildesley.
Computer Simulation of Liquids.
Clarendon Press, 1987.

K. Ando, H. Ota, and T. Oki.
Forecasting the flow of people.
Railway Research Review, 45: 8-14, 1988.
(in Japanese).

Gianluca Antonini, Michel Bierlaire, and Mats Weber.
Simulation of pedestrian behaviour using a discrete choice model calibrated on actual motion data.
In 4th STRC Swiss Transport Research Conference, 2004.

T. Aoki.
Prediction system of passenger flow.
In Smith and Dickie (1993), pages 249-258.

Robert Axelrod.
The evolution of cooperation.
Basic Books, New York, 1984.

Robert Axelrod.
The complexity of cooperation: agent-based models of competition and collaboration.
Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1997.

Fire Precautions in the Design, Construction and Use of Buildings.
British Standard Institute, Milton Keynes, 1991.

PAS 41:2001 Publicly Available Specification Directional Sounders, Requirements and Tests.
British Standards Institute, 2001.
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D.L. Bakuli and J. MacGregor Smith.
Resource allocation in state-dependent emergency evacuation networks.
EJOR, 89: 543-555, 1996.

Philip Ball.
The physical modelling of social systems.
Complexus, 1: 190-206, 2003.

S. Bandini and T. Worsch, editors.
Theoretical and Practical Issues on Cellular Automata, London, 2000. Springer.

Michael Batty, Jake DeSyllas, and Elspeth Duxbury.
The discrete dynamics of small-scale spatial events: agent-based models of mobility in carnivals and street parades.
Technical report, University College London, 2002.

Michael Batty, Jake Desyllas, and Elspeth Duxbury.
Safety in numbers? modelling crowds and designing control for the notting hill carnival.
Urban Studies, 40 (8): 1573-1590, July 2003.

C. Behring, M. Bracho, M. Castro, and J.A. Moreno.
An algorithm for robot path planning with cellular automata.
In Bandini and Worsch (2000), pages 11-19.

K. Binder.
Applications of monte carlo methods to statistical physics.
Rep. Prog. Phys., 60: 487-559, 1997.

A. Björkman.
Some outstanding questions about the Estonia.
In Vassalos (1999b).

M. Black.
Models And Metaphors. Studies In Language And Philosophy.
Cornell University Press, 1972.

W. Bles, S.A.E. Nooy, and L.C. Boer.
Influence of ship listing and ship motion on walking speed.
Technical Report TM-01-C015, TNO Human Factors, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 2001.

W. Bles, S. Nooy, and L.C. Boer.
Influence of ship listing and ship motion on walking speed.
In Schreckenberg and Sharma (2002), pages 437-452.

V.J. Blue and J.L. Adler.
Modelling four directional pedestrian movements.
In Transportation Research Board, 79th Annual Meeting, 2000a. vjblue.

V.J. Blue and J.L. Adler.
Cellular automata microsimulation of bi-directional pedestrian flows.
J. Trans. Research Board, 1678: 135-141, 2000b.

V.J. Blue and J.L. Adler.
Cellular automata model of emergent collective bi-directional pedestrian dynamics.
unpublished, 2000c.

V.J. Blue and J.L. Adler.
Cellular automata microsimulation for modeling bi-directional pedestrian walkways.
Transpn. Res. B, 35: 293-312, 2001.

V.J. Blue and J.L. Adler.
Bi-directional emergent fundamental pedestrian flows from cellular automata microsimulation.
In Ceder (1999), pages 235-254.

L.C. Boer, A. Vredev, E. K. Boulougouris, and A. Papanikolaou.
Way-finding behaviour and technical guidance systems.
In 21st Century Cruise Ship, London, 1999. Royal Inst. of Naval Architecture.

L.C. Boer.
Mustering and evacuation of passengers: Scientific basis for design.
Technical Report BriteEuram project 97-4229 ``MEP Design'', TNO Human Factors, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 2000a.

Louis C. Boer.
Behaviour by motorists on evacuation of a tunnel.
Technical report, TNO Human Factors, 2000b.

Louis C. Boer and Rolf Skjong.
Emergency evacuation: How better interior design can improve passenger flow.
In Cruise and Ferry 2001, London, 8-10 May 2001.

L.C. Boer and W. Bles.
Evacuation from ships: Account for ship motion.
In Safety of transportation: Imbalance between growth and safety, Delft, 1998.

E. K. Boulougouris and A. Papanikolaou.
Modeling and simulation of the evacuation process of passenger ships.
In Proc. 10th Int. Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2002), Crete, May 2002.

P. Bovy, S. Hoogendoorn, M. Schreckenberg, and D.E. Wolf, editors.
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W. Brilon, M. Großmann, and H. Blanke.
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R. Brown.
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The Free Press, New York, 2 edition, 1986.

A.T. Brumley and L.L. Koss.
The motor ability of passengers during the evacuation of ferries and cruise ships.
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.

A.T. Brumley and L.L. Koss.
The influence of human factors on the motor ability of passengers during the evacuation of ferries and cruise ships.
In Institute of Naval Architects, editor, Conference on human factors in ship design and operation, 2000b.

L.L. Koss and A.T. Brumley.
Ship evacuation mobility data.
In Galea (2003), pages 257-265.
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.

A.T. Brumley and L.L. Koss.
The need for statistics on the behavior of passengers during the evacuation of high speed craft.
In Proceedings of FAST '97 High Speed Craft Technology Conference, 1997.

A.T. Brumley and L.L. Koss.
The implication of human behavior on the evacuation of ferries and cruise ships.
In Proceedings of AME '98 Australian Maritime Engieneering CRC Annual Post-Graduate Conference, 1998.

John L. Bryan.
Human behaviour in fire: The development and maturity of a scholarly study area.
Fire and Materials, 23: 249-253, 1999.

John L. Bryan.
A selected historical review of human behavior in fire.
Fire Protection Engineering, November 2002.

Richard W. Bukowski, P.E. Richard, D. Peacock, and Walter W. Joes.
Sensitivity examination of the airEXODUS aircraft evacuation simulation model.
In International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, pages 1-14, Atlantic City, 1998.

C. Burstedde, K. Klauck, A. Schadschneider, and J. Zittartz.
Simulation of pedestrian dynamics using a 2-dimensional cellular automaton.
Physica A, 295: 507-525, 2001.

C. Burstedde.
Simulation von Fußgängerverhalten mittels zweidimensionaler zellulärer Automaten.
Master's thesis, Universität zu Köln, 2001.

C. Burstedde, A. Kirchner, K. Klauck, A. Schadschneider, and J. Zittartz.
Cellular automaton approach to pedestrian dynamics - applications.
In Schreckenberg and Sharma (2002), pages 87-98.

E. Canetti.
Masse und Macht.
Rowohlt, Hamburg, 1960.

D. Canter, editor.
Fires and Human Behaviour.
David Fulton Publishers, London, 2nd edition, 1990.

B.-C. Chang.
On the Survivability of Damaged Ro-Ro Vessels Using a Simulation Method.
PhD thesis, Technische Universität, Hamburg-Harburg, 1998.
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Debashish Chowdhury, Ludger Santen, and Andreas Schadschneider.
Statistical physics of vehicular traffic and some related systems.
Physics Reports, 329 (4-6): 199-329, 2000.

K.H. Chung and P.M. Hui.
Two-dimensional traffic flow problems with faulty traffic lights.
Phys. Rev. E, 51 (1): 772-774, 1995.

Lee Clarke.
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E. Cl´ement, G. Reydellet, F. Rioual, B. Prise, V. Fanguet, J. Lanuza, and E. Kolp.
Jamming patterns and blockade statistics in model granular flows.
In Helbing et al. (2000c).

Christopher A. Coath.
Special events planning.
Study case: Sidney Olympic Games 2000, 2000.

Health and Safety Executive.
Emergency planning for major accidents.
Technical report, Health and Safety Executive, Sudbury, UK, 1999a.

P Crossland.
The influence of ship motion induced lateral acceleration on walking speed.
In Galea (2003), pages 245-256.

J.A. Cuesta, F.C. Martínez, J.M. Molera, and A. Sánchez.
Phase transition in two-dimensional traffic-flow models.
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J.M. Molera, F.C. Martínez, J.A. Cuesta, and R. Brito.
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Vorläufiges Pflichtenheft über die technischen Anforderungen für Stadien, die als Spielorte für die Weltmeisterschaft 2006 in Betracht kommen.
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Winnie Daamen.
Modelling Passenger Flows in Public Transport Facilities.
PhD thesis, TU Delft, 2004a.

Winnie Daamen.
Modelling Passenger Flows in Public Transport Facilities.
PhD thesis, Technical University of Delft, 2004b.

B. Derrida and M.R. Evans.
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J.C.R. de Vries.
Cruise ship evacuation.
Master's thesis, TU Delft, Faculty of Maritime Engineering, 1998.

Alexander K. Dewdney.
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J. Dijkstra, H.J.P. Timmermans, and A.J. Jessurun.
A multi-agent cellular automata system for visualising simulated pedestrian activity.
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M. Dogliani.
An overview of present and under-development imo's requirements concerning evacuation from ships.
In Schreckenberg and Sharma (2002), pages 339-354.

K.H. Drager, G. Løvås, J. Wicklund, H. Soma, D. Duong, A. Violas, and V. Lanèrès.
EVACSIM: A comprehensive evacuation simulation tool.
In K.H. Drager, editor, Proceedings of the 1992 Emergency Management and Engineering Conference, pages 101-108. Society for Computer Simulation, 1994.

M. Ebihara, A. Ohtsuki, and H. Iwaki.
A model for simulating human behavior during emergency evacuation based on classificatory reasoning and certainty value handling.
Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 7: 63-71, 1992.

Kynan Eng, Matti Mintz, , and Paul F M J Verschure.
Collective human behavior in interactive spaces.
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G.B. Ermentrout and L. Edelstein-Keshet.
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M.R. Evans.
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JPA, 30: 5669-5685, 1997.

Federal Aviation Administration.
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Blue Ribbon Panel.
Bridge and tunnel safety.
Technical report, Federal Highway Administration, 2003.

Rita F. Fahy.
Tools for the simulation of human behavior.
Fire Protection Engineering, November 2002.

Andrew Fell.
A study of modelling crowd dynamics.
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P. Ferrari and K. Nagel.
Robustness of efficient passenger boarding in airplanes.
Transportation Research Record, 2005.

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M. Flier.
Optimisation of the evacuation plan of an offshore vessel.
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L.R. Ford and D.R. Fulkerson.
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Burkhard Forell.
Bewertung von evakuierungen in diskotheken und ähnlichen vergnügungssttten.
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D. R. Forsyth.
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H. Frantzich.
A model for performance-based design of escape routes.
Technical report, Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 1994.

H. Frantzich.
Study of movement on stairs during evacuation using video analysing techniques.
Technical report, Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 1996.

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John Fruin.
The causes and prevention of crowd disasters.
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J.J. Fruin.
Pedestrian Planning and Design.
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Friedrich Füngerlings.
Verbesserung des Sicherheitsniveaus der Binnen-Fahrgastschiffe in Europa.
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M. Fukui, Y. Sugiyama, M. Schreckenberg, and D.E. Wolf, editors.
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E.R. Galea.
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S. Gwynne, E.R. Galea, M. Owen, P.J. Lawrence, and L. Filippidis.
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