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1.8 MB Hubert Klüpfel,
Simulation of the Evacuation of Buildings and Ships based on a CA Model ,
Präsentation gehalten an der Technischen Universität Berlin (Prof. Kai Nagel) am 4. Dezember 2008.
Diese Präsentation ist ebenfalls in den folgenden Formaten PPS (1.5 MB) und ODP (1.2 MB) erhältlich. Videodateien sind aufgrund von Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen nicht enthalten.


115  kB Judith Bendel, Hubert Klüpfel,
Accessibility and Evacuation - Similarities and Differences ,
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, 2010, in print.
1.572 kB Gregor Lämmel, Hubert Klüpfel und Kai Nagel,
Risk Minimizing Evacuation Strategies under Uncertainty ,
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, 2010, in print.
217  kB Hubert Klüpfel,
Models for Crowd Movement and Egress Simulation ,
In W.W.F. Klingsch, C. Rogsch, A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Berlin, 2010. Springer.
155  kB Hubert Klüpfel,
Ship Evacuation - Guidelines, Simulation, Validation, and Acceptance Criteria ,
In W.W.F. Klingsch, C. Rogsch, A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Berlin, 2010. Springer.
5.731 kB Gregor Lämmel, Marcel Rieser, Kai Nagel, Hannes Taubenböck, Günter Strunz, Nils Goseberg, Thorsten Schlurmann, Hubert Klüpfel, Neysa Setiadi and Jörn Birkmann,
Emergency Preparedness in the case of a Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis and Traffic Optimization for the Indonesian city of Padang ,
In W.W.F. Klingsch, C. Rogsch, A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg, editors, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Berlin, 2010. Springer.
789 kB Hubert Klüpfel,
The simulation of crowds at very large events ,
In Andreas Schadschneider, Reinhart Kühne, Thorsten Pöschel, Michael Schreckenberg, and Dietrich E. Wolf, editors, Traffic and Granular Flow '05, Berlin, 2006. Springer.
1.632 kB Hubert Klüpfel,
The simulation of crowd dynamics at very large events - calibration, empirical data, and validation ,
In P. Gattermann, N. Waldau, and M. Schreckenberg, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Berlin, 2006. Springer.
752 kB H. Klüpfel and T. Meyer-König,
Modelle für die Berechnung von Personenströmen und Evakuierungssimulationen ,
In VdS Fachtagung "Evakuierung und Räumung von Gebäuden", 7. Juli 2005, pages 11-42. VdS, 2005.
387 kB Ansgar Kirchner, Hubert Klüpfel, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Andreas Schadschneider, and Michael Schreckenberg,
Discretization effects and influence of walking speed in cellular automata models for pedestrian dynamics ,
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), page P10011, 2004.
216 kB Hubert Klüpfel and Tim Meyer-König,
Simulation of the evacuation of a football stadium ,
In S. Hoogendoorn et. al., editor, Traffic and Granular Flow '03, pages 423-430, Berlin, 2004b. Springer.
316 kB Hubert Klüpfel and Tim Meyer-König,
Models for crowd movement and egress simulation ,
In S. Hoogendoorn et. al., editor, Traffic and Granular Flow '03, pages 357-372, Berlin, 2004a. Springer.
350 kB Tim Meyer-König,
Evakuierungsberechnungen für Groß-Sportstätten ,
Fachtagung Bauphysik, 2003.
... kB Hubert Klüpfel,
A Cellular Automaton Model for Crowd Movement and Egress Simulation ,
PhD thesis, University Duisburg-Essen, 2003.
115 kB T. Meyer-König, H. Klüpfel, and M. Schreckenberg,
Assessment and analysis of evacuation processes on passenger ships by microscopic simulation ,
In M. Schreckenberg and S.D. Sharma, editors, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, pages 297-302, Berlin, 2002. Springer.
883 kB Tim Meyer-König,
Mikroskopische Simulation von Evakuierungsprozessen ,
VDI Technische Überwachung, 43 (9): 10-13, September 2002.
119 kB Ansgar Kirchner, Hubert Klüpfel, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Andreas Schadschneider, and Michael Schreckenberg,
Simulation of competitive egress behaviour ,
Physica A, 324: 689-697, 2002.
481 kB H. Klüpfel, T. Meyer-König, and M. Schreckenberg,
Microscopic modelling of pedestrian motion - comparison of simulation results with an evacuation exercise in a primary school ,
In S. Fukui et. al., editor, Traffic and Granular Flow '01, Berlin, 2002b. Springer.
92 kB H. Klüpfel, T. Meyer-König, and M. Schreckenberg,
Comparison of an Evacuation Exercise in a Primary School to Simulation Results ,
Technical report, University Duisburg Essen, 2002a.
147 kB A. Keßel, T. Meyer-König, H. Klüpfel, and M. Schreckenberg,
A concept for coupling empirical data and microscopic simulation of pedestrian flows ,
In International conference on Monitoring and Management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas, Wien, 2002b.
221 kB A. Keßel, H. Klüpfel, and M. Schreckenberg,
Microscopic simulation of pedestrian crowd motion ,
In M. Schreckenberg and S.D. Sharma, editors, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, pages 193-202, Berlin, 2002a. Springer..
170 kB T. Meyer-König, H. Klüpfel, A. Keßel, and M. Schreckenberg,
Simulating mustering and evacuation processes onboard passenger vessels: Model and applications ,
In The 2nd International Symposium on Human Factors On Board (ISHFOB), 2001b.
191 kB T. Meyer-König, H. Klüpfel, and M. Schreckenberg,
A microscopic model for simulating mustering and evacuation processes onboard passenger ships ,
In K.H. Drager, editor, Proceedings of the International Emergency Management Society Conference, Oslo, 2001a. The International Emergency Management Society.
136 kB H. Klüpfel, T. Meyer-König, and M. Schreckenberg,
Empirical data on an evacuation exercise in a movie theater ,
Technical report, University Duisburg Essen, 2001.
136 kB H. Klüpfel, T. Meyer-König, J. Wahle, and M. Schreckenberg,
Microscopic simulation of evacuation processes on passenger ships ,
In S. Bandini and T. Worsch, editors, ACRI 2000, pages 63-71, London, 2000. Springer.
65 kB A. Keßel, H. Klüpfel, and M. Schreckenberg,
Simulation der Bewegung von Menschenmengen, Fußgängern und Evakuierungsprozessen ,
In Klaus Panreck and Frank Dörrscheidt, editors, Frontiers in Simulation, number 15 in Symposium Simulationstechnik, pages 343-348, Paderborn, 2001. ASIM, Society for Computer Simulation International. ISBN 1-56555-229-6.
161 kB T. Meyer-König, H. Klüpfel, J. Wahle, and M. Schreckenberg,
BYPASS: Evakuierungssimulation für Fahrgastschiffe ,
OR News, 7: 5-8, 1999.

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